Where is the Furnace Air Filter Located?

Learn where to find your furnace air filter with this expert guide from Strand Brothers Service Experts. Find out why it's important to replace your furnace filter every 90 days.

Where is the Furnace Air Filter Located?

The furnace air filter is typically located inside the blower compartment, where return air enters the blower. Most units have built-in oven racks, and the large metal compartment of the oven contains a filter and a blower. If you're having trouble locating your HVAC filter, here's a helpful guide to finding it. The furnace air filter may need to be replaced every 90 days or less, depending on the environment, pets, and household dust.

It can also be in a sliding compartment next to the air treatment component of your oven or in a grill installed on the side of the oven. If you have a horizontal HVAC unit, the oven filter will be located on the inlet side and slide on a rack. Dirt on the filter prevents air from flowing through the unit, leading to overheating and malfunction. A reliable service company like Strand Brothers Service Experts can help you keep up with routine furnace maintenance in Austin, including air cleaner replacement.

You should make sure you have a clean filter so that it traps dirt and helps air flow properly around the house. The supply ventilation grilles send air to the rooms and are much smaller: the standard size is 12 x 6.The furnace air filter should be changed every 90 days, especially when using the oven and air conditioner. Finally, if the unit is a vertical HVAC unit and the air is moving downward, the air cleaner will be on the upper door. In addition, when return grilles have furnace filters, the vent cover must have a latch so that it can be easily opened to change the filter.

The quality of your furnace filter can have a big impact on the overall efficiency of your HVAC system, as well as the indoor air quality of your home. If you have a downflow configuration, your downflow air controller or oven blows cooled or heated air down. It is essential that air passes through and stops pollen, dust, and other airborne particles. Sometimes you may need to remove the oven cover just to change the AC filter. This could be due to design stupidity or any other reason.

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