What Problems Can a Dirty Furnace Filter Cause?

Learn about how dirty furnace filters can cause serious problems in your home such as hot & cold spots in your home due to reduced airflow & increased energy consumption.

What Problems Can a Dirty Furnace Filter Cause?

Fans drive air through the filter. If the filter becomes too clogged with dust, dander and debris, then the blower has to work harder to get air through a clogged filter. With reduced airflow, you may experience hot and cold spots in your home, and it can be difficult to achieve desired indoor temperature levels. When an air cleaner is clogged, the air handler must work harder to compensate for airflow blockage.

Not only does this increase your energy consumption and increase your utility bill, but it can also cause the heat exchanger to overheat and shut down prematurely. If this continues to happen, there is an electronic “limit switch” protection that will fail and cause the oven to not turn on at all, leading to a costly repair. In certain extreme cases, dirty filters can even cause a fire. All limit switches will start to malfunction over time, but the likelihood of them failing increases if they are continuously triggered by an inefficiently operating oven.

Rising heat could cause a fire or even an explosion. The filter could be absorbed by your overloaded furnace, which would greatly increase the chances of a fire or explosion. All of this can be avoided not only with proper care and maintenance, but also by paying attention to symptoms that could mean you have a clogged oven filter. When you forget to change or clean the oven filter for a long period of time, the system is likely to become so overloaded that it breaks down.

HVAC air filters work in partnership with your home's heating and cooling system to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. If the air cleaner becomes clogged during the summer cooling season, this can cause the evaporator or cooling coil to freeze because not enough air passes through the coil to dissipate the condensation that normally occurs during the cooling process. If you don't feel comfortable or don't have time to do so, be sure to schedule regular maintenance for your heating and air conditioning system, including filter replacements by a certified HVAC technician. Your oven filter should be cleaned or changed at least every ninety days, and if you find that your electricity bill is abnormally high, you should definitely check it.

One of the purposes of an air filter is to filter out all microscopic particles such as dust, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, plant spores and mold, and even smoke. There are many things that can go wrong with your oven's filter device, especially if you haven't checked it for a while. Checking your oven filter should be a monthly routine for all homeowners, however, it can often be overlooked. However, if the clogged air filter puts too much pressure on the fan motor by restricting air flow, the fan motor will be damaged.

Ovens have what is known as a limit switch, which will automatically turn off the oven when it reaches a specific temperature. The air filter is supposed to pick up airborne debris instead of letting it pass to the rest of the oven. No matter what HVAC system you have, each unit needs a properly tuned quality filter to keep indoor air quality clean and keep your heating running at peak efficiency this fall and winter. However, there is definitely an advantage to finding out if your oven filter shows signs of being clogged.

This inefficiency increases rapidly as the filter becomes more and more clogged, or until the filter is serviced. Most of the time, you should be content with a MERV rating of around 9 or 10 to maximize filtration efficiency without slowing down overall airflow and causing your energy bill to skyrocket with the way the oven has to work harder. As an HVAC expert I can tell you that dirty furnace filters can cause serious problems in your home if they are not taken care of properly. Clogged filters can lead to hot and cold spots in your home due to reduced airflow. This can also lead to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills as well as potential damage to your furnace's heat exchanger or limit switch which could result in costly repairs or even fires in extreme cases. In addition, clogged filters can cause evaporator coils or cooling coils in your AC unit to freeze due to lack of airflow during summer months.

To avoid these problems it is important that you check your furnace filters regularly and replace them when necessary. It is also important that you schedule regular maintenance for your heating and cooling system with a certified HVAC technician who can replace filters as needed. Finally, make sure that you use quality filters with a MERV rating of 9 or 10 for maximum filtration efficiency without reducing overall airflow too much.

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